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Chicago Charter School Parent Urges CPS Board for Long-Term Renewal

Posted on: January 27, 2022

Keisha Williams is a parent of a Legal Prep Charter Academy student and wrote the following statement to share why her and her student made the choice to attend Legal Prep. 

I am a parent of a Legal Prep Charter Academy student with a law focus. Again, I am asking for a long-term charter renewal from the board. As a parent, it was my decision to choose Legal Prep Academy for my child is based on the sound decision-making by administration and the willingness to partner with me as a parent.

This school not only supports the community but it offers value, integrity, safety, and academia for our students. We need this long-term charter. Everyone is researching and questioning what is happening with our youth, yet we have one of the best solutions for our youth in Legal Prep Charter Academy and it is based in our community.

Parents, we are charter strong together.

When I chose Legal Prep for my child I found that schools are parallel to trees. Like the tree some schools were like leaves, they fell with the changing seasons. Some schools were like the branches, not  strong enough to hold the weight. Some schools were like the tree trunks, they appeared to be strong and even withstand the storm but given the wear and tear over the years they too were not able to
withstand and became untrue to the foundation.

Legal Prep is Charter Strong Like the tree, a foundation that is rooted in the community and able to
withstand it all for our students.

I am Legal Prep, I am the Community, I am Charter Strong.

Keisha Williams, MEd