The publication highlights the exceptional learning outcomes from charter public schools and the tools schools use to achieve them.
CHICAGO, IL — The Illinois Network of Charter Schools (INCS) is thrilled to release its latest publication, “10 Education Innovations from the Charter Community: How Lessons from Charters Improve Classrooms for All.” The issue brief highlights ten of the innovations that were created or shaped by charter public schools across the state of Illinois. Many of these innovations have been adopted by Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and other school districts after seeing their success in charter school classrooms.
Since the first Illinois charter opened its doors in 1998, charter public schools have been centers of innovation for education. The charter model allows for more bureaucratic freedom than district-operated schools. This means teachers and school leaders can adjust their classrooms to best fit student needs through dual-language programming, college-focused counseling, and more.
“After more than two decades of charter public schools, the results are clear,” said INCS President Andrew Broy. “The charter model is achieving its purpose of reimagining classrooms and serving students in ways that traditional public schools have not.”
Featured in this issue brief are four INCS members who have pioneered one or more of these innovations:
Each of these schools has demonstrated their commitment to Illinois students and improved the academic outcomes for their students, both academically and beyond. INCS is thrilled to see our member schools succeeding, but most importantly, to see positive results for charter school students, the majority of whom come from historically and systemically underserved communities.