Grades Currently Served | CPS Rating |
9 - 12 | Not Applicable |
Intrinsic Schools is a network of public charter schools in Chicago that features integrated team-taught blocks in big open spaces. Our flagship Belmont Campus, located at 4540 W Belmont Ave, opened in 2013 in a converted lumber yard. Belmont graduated its first class in 2017 and has earned a “CPS Level 1+ School Quality Rating,” which is the highest performance rating, for the past four years. Intrinsic opened its second campus in the heart of downtown Chicago in September 2019. Our goal was to build a different kind of school, creating a new educational model for the city and beyond, that flexes time, space, and people to increase student outcomes and improve students’ life trajectories. In order to better prepare students for success in college, career, and life, Intrinsic takes a more comprehensive approach to understanding students’ growth and progress, which includes agency outcomes in addition to academic ones.