Grades Currently Served | CPS Rating |
10 - 12 | Level 1 |
Community Youth Development Institute (CYDI) equips students with social and academic skills emphasized through a nontraditional structured learning environment. Students are prepared to be productive members of society, while developing skills in reading, mathematics, science, writing, social studies, career exploration and critical thinking. All skills are enhanced by computer instruction. Group and individual counseling are provided by a state certified counselor as well as special education services for students that have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
CYDI offers dual enrollment, dual credit and job placement—a distinctive opportunity for qualified students to interact and integrate into their community by going to school in the morning and working or attending college classes in the afternoon. The dual enrollment program, in conjunction with Academic Advisement and Guidance Counseling, is provided to all students. CYDI also partners with A Knock at Midnight to provide social and emotional support for students and families in need. Extracurricular activities include School Newspaper, School Yearbook, Spring Prom, Choir, Drum Corps, Jazz Band, Dance Team, Fitness Club, Basketball, Flag Football and Track & Field.